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WhatsApp Image 2020-11-11 at
Image by Jyotirmoy Gupta

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Women who may come from diverse backgrounds, marginalized in the society socially, economically, victims of domestic violence, divorced or abandoned, women from Backward castes and classes, women from minorities, from Below the Poverty line (BPL)  families, bruised, battered, educated or not but facing the wrath of society for ‘Being Women’.



During the present health pandemic that we have experienced, life has been extremely difficult for people on the margins especially women. Many women working as domestic helps lost their jobs and faced increased physical violence at home.


Through our initiative at EFWJSW we have started training centers for stitching and other crafts at various locations around Delhi. We are trying to ensure that women who have lost their jobs or facing difficult economic conditions at home get another opportunity to become self-reliant with their hard work and labour. With training they will stitch garments and EFWJSW will ensure that the garments are sold in the market and they become partners, and participate equally in the entire process from procuring dress material to stitching to marketing

All Hands In

Swaraj kendre & Rescue Team

EFWJSW is a forum for women and adolescent girls who face sexual violence at home and work place, difficulties in their daily life in accessing resources which can help them in their path of success and healing. We provide victims of domestic and sexual violence the opportunity to confide their thoughts and fears to our caring healers. By being able to figure out and resolve their socio–economic and emotional challenges and past regrets, victims gain perspective and self-respect. Professional counselors, therapists and psychologists work with the victims on rebuilding their self-confidence and strength so that they can feel better. We help them in becoming fully capable to participate in society and life and manifest a positive future for themselves. EFWJSW wants victims of Sexual Violence at Home and Work Place to be able to find solidarity and support with others in similar situations, thereby gaining confidence and security in the process of healing. The measures that EFWJSW takes-

  1. Group Therapy Sessions- By working with each other in group therapy sessions and peer work exercises, participants who otherwise might be unable to let go and open up (for fear of being judged or placed on the outside) have an opportunity to understand that they are not alone in their journey towards rebuilding self-respect, and that working with others can be essential to self-healing. Participants are given activities that build teamwork as well as self-confidence. They are also given a non-judgmental support group that listens to their concerns and respects their willingness to improve their lives.

  2. Counselling- Professional counselors, group therapists and psychologists work with participants in creating a positive image and life-dynamic that encourages participants to reach out and interact with others in confidence.

  3. Sympathetic Support Group- We help the victims of domestic and sexual violence by getting them in touch with other stakeholders like police, counsellors, lawyers, social workers, medical social workers, doctors, journalists, etc.

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Image by Frank Holleman

Hunar Ka Safar

EFWJSW (Educational Forum for Women, Justice and Social Welfare) has been working in the field ‘For and With women’ since almost two decades now. As the ‘other-ed’ gender, women have faced abuse, physical and emotional trauma at different level and at different ages.  Worshipping women and then treating them worse than ‘sub-humans’ is the reality and paradox that our country puts on display everyday. Nothing comes easy when it comes to women, everything has a costly price tag attached (even happiness!). At EFWJSW we are striving towards making women equal partners in our programs and endeavors.  

Image by Kat J
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